Opening Hours : 8:00 am to 03:00 pm
"Educating for better tomorrow."
Over the past decades, education has shifted towards more focus on achieving excellent marks and quick
success rather than being engaged in the process of learning. This has lead to more stress, anxiety,
restlessness, low self-esteem and unhappy life. Our endeavour as mentors is to equip our children with
life skills to face the real world ---be it planning, organizing, deciding, analyzing, team building,
communicating effectively and dealing with challenges confidently.
The seeds of a dramatic transformation in education are being planted. Prompted by information technology in terms of artificial intelligence and huge demand for better learning outcomes, we at MIIS are slowly but surely reconstructing ourselves. We are open to adopt and adapt new practices that acknowledge both the art and science of learning. Our focus is to know each student as an individual, in order to comprehend his or her unique needs, learning styles, social and cultural backgrounds, interest and abilities. I wish you all to have a happy learning experience with a new awakening.
The initiation of educational reforms by CBSE has no doubt set in varied challenges for us to strengthen the infrastructure and curriculum design to cater to the challenges. Though system amendments have ushered a paradigm shift, but I strongly feel that through meticulous planning of the year ahead, we would be able to meet and compensate all demands.
The height of your accomplishments will equal the depth of your convictions. I congratulate all our stake holders, our proud students and all the diligent mentors for successfully accomplishing another wholesome academic year throbbing with activities.
So at the very onset of this new academic session, I feel determined, as the Head of this institution, to direct all my endeavours in providing a challenging academic environment emphasizing learning as well as social and personal growth. With a proper planning and seeking support of the parents I am sure that our journey ahead will be fruitful and meritorious.
Our School vision statements outline a school’s values and objectives. They provide parents and the community a brief but clear overview of the overall ethos of the school. On the other hand, school mission statements explain what the school is currently doing to achieve its vision. Schools need both vision and mission statements to show their community what their values and beliefs are.
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